Thank you for considering hiring me :)

Anja Wu, B.Math Honours, B. Ed.

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Ottawa Collisions | (R, Jupyter Notebook)

Exploring Ottawa Parks | (Jupyter Notebook, Tableau)

Red Light Camera Violations | (Python, Jupyter Notebook)

Clipping Coupons with Costco | (Python, Jupyter Notebook)

Ontario School Board Progress/Achievement | (BigQuery - SQL, Looker Studio)

Building My Website | (HTML/CSS, Google Analytics, Looker Studio)

Yammer Case Study | (SQL, Mode)

HR Attrition Case Study | (Python, Jupyter Notebook)

Web Scraping Job Searches, Web Scraping Top 50 IMDb Movies, Hangman | (Python)

Technical Skills

  • Python (Pandas, matplotlib/Seaborn, statsmodels, NetworkX, igraph/Graphviz, NumPy, scikit learn, SciPy, Folium, Selenium)
  • Jupyter Notebook
  • Git
  • R
  • BigQuery
  • Tableau
  • SQL
  • Mode
  • Java
  • Machine Learning
  • Looker Studio
  • Google Analytics
  • Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint)
  • C
  • Education

    M.Sc. : Data Science, Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence | 2025 (expected)
    Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario
    12.0/12.0 CGPA

    B. Education : Intermediate/Senior Division - Mathematics, Science (Biology) | 2015
    Nipissing University, North Bay, Ontario

    B. Mathematics, Honours : Minors – Biology and Psychology | 2014
    Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario
    10.1/12.0 CGPA


    Data Science Intern | May 2024 – Current
    National Security and Defense (Government of Canada)

    Science and Mathematics High School Teacher | Oct 2015 – Sept 2023
    Ottawa Carleton District School Board, Ontario and Stratford Hall, British Columbia

    Mathematics and Statistics Tutor | Sep 2010 – Current
    Self-employed - Ottawa and British Columbia

    Server | Sep 2015 – Jan 2017
    The Keg, Ottawa, Ontario and Coquitlam, British Columbia

    Undergraduate Research Assistant | May – Aug 2014
    Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

    Teaching Assistant for School of Mathematics | May 2013 - Apr 2014
    Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

    Camp Counsellor for Underprivileged Youth | Jun 2013 – Aug 2014
    Children’s Village, Ottawa, Ontario

    Tutor for Paul Menton Centre | January 2013 – June 2014
    Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario

    Lifeguard and Swimming Instructor | March 2009 – June 2015
    City of Ottawa, Ontario

    Volunteer Experience

    SSC Conference Volunteer Lead | 2023
    Carleton University, Ontario

    Coaching Basketball | Oct 2015 – Jun 2017
    Independent Schools Association of British Columbia: Stratford Hall

    Biidaaban Community Service Learning | 2014-2015
    Widdifield Secondary School, North Bay, Ontario

    CUMC Organizer | June 2014
    Carleton University, Ottawa, Ontario