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School Boards

Ontario School Boards Progress/Achievement

The Case and Background Information

As a teacher it is impossible to not pull trends occurring in your class and extrapolate it, even though it is a small sample size. Oftentimes we don’t use data to check if our feelings are correct but I found an open source dataset from the Ontario government that looks at the school boards across Ontario and their reading EQAO/OSSLT for 2018/2019, four- and five-year graduation rates and compares progress in each category since 2017/2018. Interestingly, they do not include the math results (missing both grade 6 and 9). So I jumped on the opportunity to try to answer some questions I had.

Order of the report (you can jump to any part you want)


Question 1: What school board is the best at standardized testing, credit accumulation, and graduation rates?

Question 2: Are there certain demographics that did better in 2018/2019 (referred to as 2019)?

Question 3: The general consensus is that progress and achievement is getting worse year by year. We can use this data to see if in fact there is a general pattern of decrease in progress since 2017/2018 (referred to as 2018). Are there certain grades/demographics that did the worse in comparison to 2017/2018?

Question 4: Does a higher literacy test score indicate a potentially higher credit accumulation? In order to make sure we are following the same students, we need to compare the following metrics:

Question 5: How much does being on track in credits in grade 11 affect graduation rates?

Question 6: Are there certain locational trends for school achievement?

*Note: for all questions I am not referring to the percentage of individual student but rather the percentage of students that passed the predefined features (e.g. grade 10 credit accumulation: percentage of students who have at least 16 credits by the end of grade 10, grade 10 OSSLT: percentage of students who passed the literacy test)


Question 1) What school board is the best at standardized testing, credit accumulation, and graduation rates?
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Highest percentage of students passing the standardized test:

Highest credit accumulation:

Highest four year graduation rate:

As can be seen there is a different school board for each category. This implies more digging would need to be done; this would include looking on a more granular level such as schools within each school board. There could be certain schools that do either a really good job or a poor job in each category which would greatly change the average. The dashboard has an interactive tool that you can cross-reference which type of school boards you want to compare.

I compared the two different types cross referenced with the two different languages and I found that only for one combination did one school board become the best for all three categories. The York Region DSB was the only school board to appear across all three categories when the filters were for Public English school boards.

Question 2) Are there certain demographics that did better in 2018/2019 (referred to as 2019)?
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Note: For the purposes of this analysis, the number comparisons will be considered statistically significant: because each school board has a lot of students and we are looking at 72 school boards, this would give us a large “n” meaning that our standard error is very small.

Grade 6 reading scores tended to be better than grade 10, on average across all school boards. There is a significant difference of 3%. A couple of explanations: we are not preparing our students as well in grade 10 as we do in grade 6, or the standardized test is not as well structured for grade 11 as it is for grade 6.

For EQAO achievement, credit progress and graduation rates, the public board (compared to catholic) on average is lower for all for 2018/2019 by a substantial amount (close to 10%). The English board (compared to French) is also lower in all categories - by a substantial amount (10+%).

Further breakdown shows that the Public English schools perform the worst, while the French Catholic schools perform best.

It is interesting to note, for the Public board school the EQAO scores on avg are approximately the same as the credit accumulation rate. For the Catholic board, it seems like the EQAO scores were lower than the credit accumulation rate. One more very interesting finding is that the Public French board is the only one to have a higher four year grad rate compared to the credit accumulation rate (by over 5%). All other boards decreased by at least 1% up to 3%.

Question 3) Are there certain grades/demographics that did the worse in comparison to 2017/2018?
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High level results

On average:

Breakdown results

Overall the trend is opposite of what I would have expected; lower score but higher credit accumulation:


From 2018 to 2019:

Question 4) Does a higher literacy test score indicate a potentially higher credit accumulation?
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Grade 10 credit accumulation (2018) to Grade 11 credit accumulation (2019)

Looking at the same group of students (grade 10 in 2018 then grade 11 in 2019), we can see, on average, more than 3.5% difference in credit accumulation for the same group of students year over year:

Meaning that more students reach the complete credit threshold by end of grade 11 (min. 23 credits) than the end of grade 10 credit threshold (min. 16 credits).

We also see a positive trend in the data, with some significant outliers. With the Pearson correlation coefficient being 0.69043059991308764, implying there is a moderate positive correlation between the percentage of students who get 16 or more credits by the end of grade 10 and the percentage of students who get 23 or more credits by the end of grade 11.

Grade 10 credit accumulation to OSSLT (2018)

For 2018, the average percentage of students to pass the OSSLT and get at least 16 credits by the end of grade 10 was very similar:

We also see a positive trend in the data, with only one major outlier. With the Pearson correlation coefficient being 0.62613743522943011, implying there is only a moderate positive correlation between the percentage of students who passed the literacy test in 2018 and the percentage of students who get 16 or more credits by the end of grade 10 in 2018.

Grade 10 credit accumulation to OSSLT (2019)

For 2019, the average percentage of students to pass the OSSLT and get at least 16 credits by the end of grade 10 was different by 2%:

We also see a slight positive trend in the data, with some significant outliers. With the Pearson correlation coefficient being 0.52517260306175906, implying there is a low to moderate positive correlation between the percentage of students who passed the OSSLT in 2019 and the percentage of students who got 16 or more credits by the end of grade 10 in 2019.

Out of curiosity, using the dashboard I looked into the different board type and language permutations of the 2018 and 2019 average of OSSLT and grade 10 credit accumulation. I found that the French Catholic School Boards had the opposite pattern of all other school boards: as the percentage of students who passed the OSSLT increased, the percentage of students who got at least 16 credits by the end of grade 10 actually decreased.
Here are the correlations I calculated

Overall: 0.674
French Catholic SBs: -0.792
English Catholic SBs: 0.221
French Public SBs: 0.783
English Public SBs: 0.696

OSSLT 2018 to grade 11 credit 2019

Looking at the same group of students (grade 10 OSSLT in 2018 then grade 11 credit accumulation in 2019), we can see, on average, about 3% difference for the same group of students year over year:

Meaning that more students reach the complete credit threshold by end of grade 11 (min. 23 credits) than the percentage of students who pass the literacy test (OSSLT).

We also see a positive trend in the data, with few outliers. With the Pearson correlation coefficient being 0.74480333233145657, implying there is a strong positive correlation between the percentage of students who pass the literacy test and the percentage of students who get 23 or more credits by the end of grade 11.

Question 5) How much does being on track in credits in grade 11 affect graduation rates?
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Based on the data we have, it would seem that the credit accumulation in grade 11 is a very good indicator of the four year graduation rate.

We can see that the percentage is fairly similar (off by less than 1%):

And we can see that it has a positive trend:

With a Pearson correlation coefficient of ~0.88.

There were two outliers:

Question 6) Are there certain locational trends for school achievement?
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Looking at the standardized testing average (including years 2018 and 2019 for more data points) we can see that Ottawa and Toronto tend to do better than other cities. Usually the more rural a town is the more likely the school board has performed more poorly.

We saw that overall the grade 6 scores were better than grade 10, so looking at just a focus on the average grade 10 scores (2018 and 2019), we can see a similar trend as above holds.



Here is the link to the Looker Studio Dashboard.



Data downloaded from Ottawa open source. This data was originally collected from the Ontario Government using:

Here are the variables and what they mean:

Grade_6_EQAO_Reading_Results: The 'Grade 6 Reading EQAO Result' indicator is the percentage of students who met or exceeded the provincial standard (levels 3 and 4) in the Grade 6 reading assessment out of the total number of eligible students for the reading assessment for 2018/2019.

Progress_in_Grade_6_EQAO_Reading_Results: The 'Progress in Grade 6 Reading EQAO Result' indicator is the percentage point increase or decrease since 2017-18 of Grade 6 students who met or exceeded the provincial reading standard (levels 3 and 4) out of the total number of students who fully participated in the assessment.

Grade_10_OSSLT_Results: The 'Grade 10 Literacy Test' indicator is the percentage of first-time eligible students who passed the OSSLT out of the total number of students who fully participated in the test for 2018/2019.

Progress_in_Grade_10_OSSLT_Results_: The 'Progress in Grade 10 Literacy Test' indicator is the percentage point increase or decrease since 2017-18 of first-time eligible students who passed the OSSLT out of the total number of students who fully participated in the test.

Credit_Accumulation_by_the_end_of_Grade_10: The 'Earning 16 or More Credits by the End of Grade 10' indicator is the percentage of students who accumulated 16 or more credits after two years of secondary school out of the total number of students who completed two years of secondary school for 2018/2019.

Progress_in_Credit_Accumulation_by_the_end_of_Grade_10: The 'Progress in Earning 16 or More Credits by the End of Grade 10' indicator is the percentage point increase or decrease since June of 2018 of students who accumulated 16 or more credits after two years of secondary school out of the total number of students who completed two years of secondary school.

Credit_Accumulation_by_the_end_of_Grade_11: The 'Earning 23 or More Credits by the End of Grade 11' indicator is the percentage of students who accumulated 23 or more credits after three years of secondary school out of the total number of students who completed three years of secondary school for 2018/2019.

Progress_in_Credit_Accumulation_by_the_end_of_Grade_11: The 'Progress in Earning 23 or More Credits by the End of Grade 11' indicator is the percentage point increase or decrease since June of 2018 of students who accumulated 23 or more credits after three years of secondary school out of the total number of students who completed three years of secondary school.

Primary_Class_Size_with_20_Students_or_less: No definition of what this represents. This percentage seems wrong, based on the class sizes I know for OCDSB. Could not find source of data, or other ways to access data.

Progress_in_Primary_Class_Size_with_20_Students_or_less: No definition of what this represents.

Four_Year_Graduation_Rate: A student is considered a four-year graduate if they receive an OSSD within four years of starting Grade 9 for 2019.

Progress_in_Four_Year_Graduation_Rate: is the percentage point increase or decrease since June of 2018.

Five_Year_Graduation_Rate: A student is considered a five-year graduate if they receive an OSSD within five years of starting Grade 9 for 2019.

Progress_in_Five_Year_Graduation_Rate: is the percentage point increase or decrease since June of 2018.

**Unsure if the five year grad includes the four year grads, or if it just includes the remaining people after the four year grads left. Also what about victory lap, when they did technically graduate but stayed for more courses?**

To note: