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Coding Environment Setup


Terminal: iTerm2

For personal preference, I updated my terminal on my Macbook to iTerm2.



Installing homebrew saves a lot of time in the future for installing certain libraries and frameworks. Install instructions

In your terminal type:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
After it is installed you do not need to worry about it until you come across certain instructions when exploring new libraries that give you different way to install it. In these cases always look to see if they give instructions on how to do it with Homebrew, it usually has the words "brew" in the terminal input code.


Oh My Zsh: Organizing Code Display

In order to be able to follow my work in a terminal more clearly, I decided to setup "Oh My Zsh", which provides colour and line separation within the terminal

Install on terminal:

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Open in text editor on terminal:
vim ~/.zshrc
Edit the:
I am currently working with the “refined” theme.

If you ever need to update the current working model in the terminal type:
source ~/.zshrc


Sublime Text Editor

From the article listed previously in the Versus section, I had chosen to download Sublime Text as it had the easiest read layout for me personally. To download, go to the Sublime website.
FYI: “Sublime Text may be downloaded and evaluated for free, however a license must be purchased for continued use. There is currently no enforced time limit for the evaluation.”

Under Sublime Text editor there are packages you can add to make your coding experience better. In the tabs below, I have listed the ones I use, this does not mean you have to use these or limit yourself to just these.

Package Control